Online Arabic Language Courses for Your Kids

Help your child learn a new language with our expert 1-on-1 tutoring sessions. Book your initial skills assessment for free!
Join over 4,000+ students
1-on-1 sessions

For ages (6 – 18)

Native Arabic
& Fluent English Instructors
to your Kids’ level and skills

What your Kid will learn?

We chose our curriculums based on experts’ opinions. As there are too many curriculums for teaching foreign language, we made a comparison between all of them and got you the easiest, and the most useful one.

We will know more about the Arabic language, culture, and alphabets.
We will know more about the Arabic language, culture, and alphabets.
In this phase, we learn more about Arabic grammar and how to use our vocabulary in speaking and writing.
In this phase, we will make conversation with natives, write paragraphs, watch movies, and write reports.
We will have a final exam to record the student’s improvement.

Why Learn Arabic Language?

Arabic lessons for kids will affect your child’s personality as well as their knowledge. Through learning Arabic, they will learn about different cultures, how to think as they do, and how to respect differences. Also, having a second language from such a young age will help your child to improve it to be natives-like later on, which will help him a lot in any career.

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